Breath Holding: the Value and Effects for Optimal Performance
by Joe Somodi, Mental Performance Coach
The Oxygen Advantage and Breath Holding
The Oxygen Advantage® method emphasizes gentle exhalation, followed by a nose pinch to hold the breath out. Holding the breath out on exhale concentrates nitric oxide in the nasal cavity. Upon the next inhale, this gas is propelled into the lungs, where it helps dilate blood vessels, enhance blood flow, and boost oxygen delivery to the body's cells. Breath holding has been practiced for hundreds of thousands of years, with our ancestors diving deep into the waters to forage for food. Even today, Japanese female pearl divers, known as ama, continue the tradition of breath-hold diving.
Hypercapnic-Hypoxic Response and Immune System Function
Holding the breath after exhaling reduces air content in the lungs, allowing CO2 to accumulate rapidly. This approach elicits a stronger response than holding the breath on an inhale because it offers the most significant effects of simulated high-altitude training—hypercapnic-hypoxic response. Consistent training and practice can lead to blood oxygen saturation dropping to 94 percent, equivalent to altitudes of 8,000 to 13,000 feet. Increased CO2 levels have been shown to enhance hemoglobin concentration by around 10 percent compared to breath-holding with normal carbon dioxide levels.
Simulated high-altitude training has a hypercapnic-hypoxic effect—an increase in carbon dioxide and a decrease in blood oxygen saturation. Experiencing strong air hunger during a breath hold exposes the body to a short-term stressor, improving immune system function. Breath-holding also enhances psychological preparedness and willpower, as it helps athletes tolerate strong feelings of breathlessness and significantly reduces exercise-induced asthma.
Strengthening Respiratory Muscles through Breath Holding
Image of Diaphragm: see how the dome shaped muscle is tucked directly under the heart
Breath holding is one of the simplest and most natural ways to actively direct an athlete's attention to the diaphragm. When the breath is held after exhalation, the respiratory center in the brainstem detects changes in blood gasses and communicates with the diaphragm to resume breathing. The longer the breath is held, the more frequently these signals are sent, enhancing the striated muscles of the diaphragm's tone. This type of breath training is similar to inspiratory muscle training (IMT), which can be beneficial during exercise, particularly when diaphragm fatigue may determine exercise tolerance and endurance. Notably, 50% of athletes suffer from diaphragm fatigue.
Incorporating Movement with Breath Holding
To simulate high-altitude training, the Oxygen Advantage method incorporates movement to increase metabolic needs and create an air shortage. This method naturally heightens the body's metabolic demand and poses a new challenge for the athlete. The Body Oxygen Level Test (BOLT) score determines how safely stressed your body can become. Movement can include any activity that raises the body's physical demands: jumping jacks, jogging in place, push-ups, biking, or running.
Effects on Kidneys and Spleen
Breath holding also increases red blood cell count. Holding the breath out after a passive exhalation impacts the kidneys and the spleen by releasing more red blood cells. The kidneys increase the production of erythropoietin (EPO), a hormone that stimulates bone marrow to release more red blood cells into circulation. EPO can increase by as much as 24 percent using breath-holding exercises. The spleen releases stores of red blood cells when the body senses increased oxygen demand. This allows for more efficient oxygen delivery to working muscles during exercise, leading to improved oxygen-carrying capacity, increased VO2 max, and extended endurance potential.
Adaptation to Acidosis through Breath Holding
Breath holding after a passive exhalation also creates a disturbance in the blood's acid-base balance. As the breath is held, oxygen continues to be extracted by the cells, and excess carbon dioxide cannot leave the blood through the lungs. Consistent practice of breath-holding exposes the body to increased acidosis, causing adaptations that reduce the acidity of the blood during intense exercise and delay the onset of fatigue.
Harnessing the Power of Breath Holding for Athletic Performance
Breath holding offers numerous benefits for athletes, ranging from improved immune system function and psychological preparedness to strengthen respiratory muscles and increased oxygen-carrying capacity. By incorporating breath holding and movement, athletes can simulate high-altitude training and enhance their performance. Understanding the effects of breath holding on the kidneys, spleen, and acidosis can help athletes optimize their training regimen and reach their full potential.